Monday, August 4, 2008

Just thinking...

It's funny how people get upset when you finally take time for yourself. I work very hard, especially during the summer (it seems like I work to get nowhere), but I still find time to check up on those I care about. Yet, no one makes sure I'm still breathing, not having a nervous breakdown, or anything of the such. I work three jobs and I stay ripping and running but no one takes that into consideration. They want me to do what they want me to do on their time and when I don't I"m somehow selfish or don't really care. IF I hear one more person say "you can make time" one more time I'm going to Kill Bill on them, take out my samurai sword and go to town on them. I can only "make time" up to a certain extent. I'm not God, I can't just pull hours out of my behind. I mean can I catch my five hours of sleep, or am I being selfish. OMG you work a full time job!! I work a full time AND two part time jobs. I literally work 7 days a week. Get like me and then once summer is over I'm back at school where hey I'll be working as well..... Pray for me y'all

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